The Segmentation of Undergraduate Students IPB on Bicycle Borrowing System


  • Tania Amalia Darsono Department of Statistics, IPB
  • Utami Dyah Syafitri Department of Statistics, IPB
  • Aam Alamudi Department of Statistics, IPB


k-means, two step cluster, the system of borrowing


Green Campus is one program of IPB. One element of Green Campus is Green Transportation. There are programs in Green Transportation, one of the programs is Green Bike. There are rules in Green Bike program which were related to the system of borrowing. Based on the rules, so it was required to make segmentation of undergraduate students IPB on bicycle borrowing system. This research used data of undergraduate students IPB on bicycle borrowing system’s preferences and characteristics of respondents. Segmentation on characteristics of respondents using two step cluster method. The distance that was used in two step cluster is log-likelihood and to determinate the optimal clusters using BIC. There are 3 optimal clusters formed and quality of clustering is fair (coefficient Silhouette = 0.3). Then segmentation on bicycle borrowing system’s preferences using kmeans method. The distance that was used in k-means is euclid and there are 2 optimal clusters formed (based on the Pseudo-F value). Based on segmentation on bicycle borrowing system by combining characteristics and preferences of respondents, there are 6 cluters formed.



How to Cite

Darsono, T. A., Syafitri, U. D., & Alamudi, A. (2018). The Segmentation of Undergraduate Students IPB on Bicycle Borrowing System. Xplore: Journal of Statistics, 7(3). Retrieved from

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