Comparison of Soft and Hard Clustering: A Case Study on Welfare Level in Cities on Java Island

Analisis cluster dengan menggunakan hard clustering dan soft clustering untuk pengelompokkan tingkat kesejahteraan kabupaten/kota di pulau Jawa


  • Nurafiza Thamrin Politeknik Statistika STIS, Indonesia
  • Arie Wahyu Wijayanto Politeknik Statistika STIS, Indonesia



The National Medium Term Development Plan 2020-2024 states that one of the visions of national development is to accelerate the distribution of welfare and justice. Cluster analysis is analysis that grouping of objects into several smaller groups where the objects in one group have similar characteristics. This study was conducted to find the best clustering method and to classify cities based on the level of welfare in Java. In this study, the cluster analysis that used was hard clustering such as K-Means, K-Medoids (PAM and CLARA), and Hierarchical Agglomerative as well as soft clustering such as Fuzzy C Means. This study use elbow method, silhouette method, and gap statistics to determine the optimal number of clusters. From the evaluation results of the silhouette coefficient, dunn index, connectivity coefficient, and Sw/Sb ratio, it was found that the best cluster analysis was Agglomerative Ward Linkage which produced three clusters. The first cluster consists of 27 cities with moderate welfare, the second cluster consists of 16 cities with high welfare, the third cluster consists of 76 cities with low welfare. With the best clustering results, the government of cities in Java shall be able to make a better policies of welfare based on the dominant indicators found in each cluster.


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How to Cite

Thamrin, N., & Wijayanto, A. W. (2021). Comparison of Soft and Hard Clustering: A Case Study on Welfare Level in Cities on Java Island: Analisis cluster dengan menggunakan hard clustering dan soft clustering untuk pengelompokkan tingkat kesejahteraan kabupaten/kota di pulau Jawa. Indonesian Journal of Statistics and Its Applications, 5(1), 141–160.


